Redshirt Lake

Redshirt Lake

This is a blog for users of Redshirt Lake to keep all informed of trail and lake conditions in all seasons. During the winter, blog your recent trip by snomachine or plane to let others know of trail or lake conditions. In the summer, keep others up to date on bear activity and other news.

Location: Alaska, United States

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

If you can't ride - SKI or BIKE!

Here is a quick story and photos about our ski in Dec. 27-8, 2007. A friend and I went by ski to the lake from the winter gate on Nancy Lake Park Way on Dec. 27. It took 2 1/2 hours to the north end of RSL on the winter trail. The road part was groomed and had many skiers and sprint sleddog teams. The winter trail between south Rolly and RSL had very little snow but was well frozen. Maybe easier walked than skied. We were glad that there were snow machine tracks on the lake because it saved us from breaking trail. On Friday we came out and found seven skiers heading in to RSL and one guy on this fat tired bike. It was a great trip.

Thanks to Stu Grenier for the great pictures and trail update. If anyone would like to submit photos or stories of thier RSL adventures, please send them to
Happy New Year everyone!


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