Redshirt Lake

Redshirt Lake

This is a blog for users of Redshirt Lake to keep all informed of trail and lake conditions in all seasons. During the winter, blog your recent trip by snomachine or plane to let others know of trail or lake conditions. In the summer, keep others up to date on bear activity and other news.

Location: Alaska, United States

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Our weekend started out better than our last trip of last summer to the cabin. It wasn't flooding and I remembered the keys to unlock the canoe. It was a good start. We proceeded to repair our walkway that floated apart last summer and dig a lovely new pit for a new outhouse location. All was fine and dandy until I heard Shannon yell from the canoe, "MARTY!" I poked my head out of the hole and naturally hollered back, "WHAT?" The next words kind of took me by surprise, "BLACK BEAR OUTHOUSE!" I turned around in my pit and not 20 feet away was this black bear staring me in the face. It was a good thing I had shovel to protect myself. So I high tailed it to the cabin, after which I remember someone saying don't run from bears, oh well. We watched the little guy wander around the cabin for some time while Shannon, Ian and Piper decided to paddle around the cove for a while longer. The bear would not go away so I decided to intice him to leave with some loud noises from a 12 ga. shotgun. After the first blast he just turned around and looked at me with eyes that said, "What's all the racket around here." The next blast moved him to the other side of the cabin. With the third blast, he decided to come walk across the front of the deck and across a couple of boats. That showed him!:) So I decided to watch him from inside the cabin with the rest of the kids.

He left for a while, then came back. He sure was a curios little bear. Shannon and Ian were finally able to dock the canoe. Many campers paddled over and got some good pictures of the little fella before he scampered off. I believe this little bear won't have a very long life if he doesn't give these people creatures a little more space.

We finished the outhouse hole and decided to head on down to Ray's to refill our water. Little did we know we would run into a party boat party. We made our way about the lake with Captain Dan at the helm. We finally made it to another ye old watering hole, filled up our containers, had a nice dinner with family and headed home on Monday. Many good memories to store for later years.

Marty and Shannon


Hi everyone-

We have had a call from the head of the trail crew that on June 11th to 14th they are going to be taking down a large dead spruce tree that that they are concerned that it may fall on the boats tied up and the dock. They would like everyone who is tying up a boat in that area to relocate them to a safe area during that time. If you have questions you can call Vic at 907-495-6212 or call or e-mail me. I will be at the lake this weekend and can answer questions then. See you at the lake!


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Ray and Suzanne Hickel said...


This is Ray and Suzanne Hickel. At the homeowners meeting it was suggested that we have the annual picnic at our place. Saturday July 21st is the best for us. We have the Hickel family reunion on the 14th and 15th. July 4th falls on a Wednesday, so I doubt many people would want either of those weekends, but we can be flexible if everybody disagrees. Ultimately it will be up to Mayor Seeley should we have a split decision.

Our e-mail is if anyone wants to contact us.
We would like to supply barbecue chicken on the bone and some Costco burgers w/cheese of course. Just bring a side dish or something. It would be just grand if we could get an idea how many are willing to come.

There will be a trampoline for the kids, and yard games for all ages.

P.S. Does anyone know what the Farmers Almanac says about the weather for the 21st?

Thanks to all our good neighbors,

Ray and Suzanne Hickel
830-2052 Ray
351-7665 Suzanne
240-1023 Cabin Cell

5/02/2007 8:24 PM

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