Redshirt Lake

Redshirt Lake

This is a blog for users of Redshirt Lake to keep all informed of trail and lake conditions in all seasons. During the winter, blog your recent trip by snomachine or plane to let others know of trail or lake conditions. In the summer, keep others up to date on bear activity and other news.

Location: Alaska, United States

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's GO TIME!!!

Hurray!!! The Park is open.... We won't be able to enjoy the fresh snow until next weekend so save some fresh powder for us. See you for the fireworks on New Years.



Willow Recreation conditions as of Thursday, December 21st:

Good news.

Nancy Lake and Willow Creek State Recreation Areas have had significant
snowfall this week. New snow has increased the snowpack to about 18" and
we now have adequate snow on the ground to protect the underlying
vegetation. The Recreation Area will open to snowvehicle use on Friday
December 22nd. Ice thickness on tested lakes is 15 inches+, although
visitors are reminded thickness is inconsistent, especially near inlets,
outlets, and springs. Shallow overflow may now be present on some lakes.

The gate at mile 2.2 of the Nancy Lake Parkway is open for snowvehicle
use. No highway vehicles are permitted beyond the Winter Trailhead
parking lot. Day Use Fees are in effect at Nancy Lake Recreation
Area. The Parkway Loop and Rhein Lake ski trails will be groomed on
Friday, and Rhein Lake Loop is yet to be broken in. Backcountry skiing
is good with lots of new powder snow..

Willow Creek Parkway is maintained to the junction of Crystal Lake Road.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Oh where, oh where, have the snowflakes gone? Oh where oh where can they be?

Willow Recreation conditions as of Friday, December 15th:

Temperatures have been colder this week In Willow but we have not had
any significant new snow fall. Last Saturday about an inch of wet snow
fell in the area; snowpack remains around 11-12". Currently it is 6
below and forecast is calling for only a chance of snow in the next
several days. Nancy Lake and Willow Creek State Recreation areas remain
closed to snow vehicle operation as we still do not have a minimum
snowpack of 18” to protect underlying vegetation. Ice thickness on
tested lakes is 10 inches+, although visitors are reminded thickness is
inconsistent, especially near inlets, outlets, and springs. Shallow
overflow may now be present on some lakes.

The gate at mile 2.2 of the Nancy Lake Parkway is closed to highway
vehicles. The winter trailhead parking lot, Public Use Cabin lot, and
the first 2.2 miles of Nancy Lake Parkway are lightly snow-covered but
in good winter driving condition. Day Use Fees are in effect at Nancy
Lake Recreation Area. The Parkway Loop ski trail has been groomed; Jano
Pond loop machine-packed; and Rhein Lake Loop is yet to be broken in.
Backcountry skiing should be fair to good.

Willow Creek Parkway is maintained to the junction of Crystal Lake Road.

Monday, December 04, 2006

We're getting closer - 10"

(Not actual Picture of Current Nancy Lake conditions.)

Recreation conditions for Nancy Lake State Recreation Area and Willow
Creek State Recreation Area as of December 1, 2006:

10" of dry new snow fell Thursday night in Willow and temperatures have
warmed to 20 degrees above. The Recreation areas remain closed to snow
vehicle operation as we still do not have a minimum snowpack of 18” to
protect underlying vegetation. Ice thickness on sampled lakes is 10”
though visitors are reminded thickness is inconsistent, especially near
inlets, outlets, and springs. With this snowfall, overflow may now be
present on some lakes. Also, on the main winter trail to Red Shirt Lake
a creek has ice-dammed and flooded some of the trail.

The gate at mile 2.2 of the Nancy Lake Parkway is closed to highway
vehicles. The winter trailhead parking lot, Public Use Cabin lot, and
the first 2.2 miles of Nancy Lake Parkway have been plowed. Day Use
Fees are now in effect at Nancy Lake Recreation Area. Staff will be
breaking in the area ski trails in the next few days.

Willow Creek Parkway is maintained to the junction of Crystal Lake Road.
Please bring your trash out and use facilities responsibly.

Keith Wilson
Park Ranger I
Alaska State Parks

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